
Intensify the store experience

author: Mike Glas

Personal adventures are always more gripping than stories, unless we tell them adventurously! Immersion boosts brands and products, and changes the all-important relationship to the customer.

Porträtfoto von Mike Glas
Mike Glas

Intensify the store experience

Immersion for brands and physical stores

The age of the Great Good Places has begun. These are places that provide a conscious and distinct third option to home and work. Specially staged experiences offer opportunities to relax, be adventurous and experience life.

In the context of digitalisation, it's particularly important for us to complement brand awareness and digital commerce with fascinating immersions in other experiences. – For customers in physical stores it can provide extra benefits.

Virtual Reality wird im Techlab getestet

VR & AR experiences

We develop VR & AR experiences for deployment in physical stores: Virtual reality and augmented reality are creative forms of entertainment, can enhance product benefits and make them tangible. Immersion is so much more atmospheric.

Bründl VR Store-Experience

Benefits for users

A sense of adventure and curiosity about the store experience can be encouraged at the POS and stimulate the factors that drive us: We like purchasing products that will become part of a shared adventure, in turn boosting brand loyalty. These technologies are not disruptive replacements, but when used cleverly and creatively they can add new digital possibilities to the offline shopping experience.

Virtual reality and augmented reality make the impossible possible, overcoming temporal and spatial barriers. Ideas and benefits are of interest here, not the technology itself.

Porträtfoto von Mike Glas
Mike Glas

Immersive experience

We show you live case studies here to demonstrate how to exploit the possibilities within your company. More on our services in the field of VR & AR experiences.

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Find out more about: Intensify the store experience.