From visions to solutions: The agency for customised software development.


Customised software development for seamlessly integrated digital solutions.

The challenge in developing digital products and individual software solutions is to align the long-term vision with current requirements and to design appropriate implementation iterations.

Any iteration has to be aimed at generating targeted added value in order to drive the overall vision forward. When implementing digital software solutions, we often operate in complex environments with established systems and processes.

Our strength as a professional software development agency lies in turning this complexity into simple and seamlessly integrated solutions that are crucial for the development of successful digital products.

Formen werden durch Linien verbunden


We rely on agile approaches and the cyclical further development of your digital product.

Our interdisciplinary project teams support you in all important phases of the realisation of your idea - from conception and UX design to development and quality assurance. Maintenance and DevOps ensure reliable operation.

As an agency for customised software development, our aim is to develop tailor-made digital solutions that offer maximum relevance for your company. Flexible requirements and a fast-moving market demand agile approaches. Together with you, we continuously adapt and learn through iterative processes and ways of thinking.

This is how we make sure that your digital solution is developed and optimized cyclically.


A software solution customised for your vision of the future.

Whether start-up, medium-sized company or corporate group – we analyze needs, goals and target groups together with our customers to gain a clear understanding of the requirements.

By working closely together, we define the functions, interfaces, processes and performance features of your digital solution. In doing so, we keep priorities in mind at all times and work with different agile development cycles.

Our goal as an experienced software development agency is to create a solid basis that is optimally prepared for future ideas and further developments and supports the overarching vision.

Foto von Kathrin Kaufleitner




From the idea to the digital product: DNA analysis for elite sport
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Narrative simulation tool for smart energy scenarios as a digital product.
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Bründl Sports

Multi-client rent platform with microservice-based architecture.
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Cloud-based customer portal with IoT machine connectivity for real-time data visualization.
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Digitization of DNA analysis for top athletes with personalized reports via cloud services.
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Self-service platform for buying and creating ads on with commercetools.
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International composable commerce solution with commercetools & AWS in MACH architecture for the luxury brand Riedel Glas.
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Innovative ski-rent portal with headless architecture.
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Our project teams design high-quality and intuitive digital solutions in agile development cycles, focussing on future-oriented and modern technologies. Whether front-end, back-end or mobile development - we support you in the realisation of individual software solutions that meet your specific needs.


Partner and technology network

International technology solutions based on renowned industry standards and long-standing partnerships.

AWS – the comprehensive service platform for developing and hosting scalable and reliable cloud applications.

Contentful – the headless CMS solution for flexible and individual content models.

Adobe Experience Manager – the perfect combination of content and digital asset management for enterprise requirements.

PIMCORE – the modular platform for PIM, DAM, CMS and e-commerce based on open source. Read more.

Magnolia – the leading composable digital experience platform in the enterprise segment.

commercetools – the flexible and cloud-based composable commerce solution for innovative business ideas and basis for MACH architectures. Read more.

Frameworks & Technologies

The combination of internationality and leading technology standards forms the foundation of our software development.

Quarkus  for Java-based cloud-native Microservices.

React – the front-end framework for web-based and native interfaces.

REST & GraphQL – for API-First application architectures.

Spring – the focus on speed, simplicity and productivity has made Spring the world's most popular Java framework.

Vue.js – a powerful and versatile framework for web interface development.

Serverless  all-in-one development solution for automatically scaling applications with AWS Lambda.

Software by pixelart

We start from the point you are at with your idea for an individual digital solution.

  • Requirement engineering & MVP

    We use requirement engineering to jointly develop and cluster requirements. This enables us to quickly develop an initial MVP and launch the digital product (time-to-market). In further development stages and iterations, we continuously optimize and expand the digital solution and incorporate initial findings.

  • Collaborative software development

    Through development partnerships directly with you, we link your valuable specialist knowledge with our expertise. Together, we work on projects to develop innovative solutions and leverage synergies. As a result, we increase efficiency and quality and enable everyone to focus on their core competencies.

  • Technical concept & software architecture

    During the technical design phase, our software architects select the appropriate technologies, systems and components to create a stable and high-performance infrastructure. In doing so, we carefully consider the individual requirements of each project and our customers.

  • Integration & connection of third-party systems

    As technical lead during implementation, our focus is to take existing systems and processes into account and to enable seamless integration of all surrounding systems. In doing so, we rely on clean API specifications and clarify the data sovereignty between the systems at an early stage to ensure a reliable and efficient data flow across the different APIs.

  • Deployment pipelines and DevOps

    Automated deployment pipelines ensure an efficient and fast provision of software releases and updates. Through the strong DevOps culture in our teams, we optimize the interaction between development and operations. In addition, we offer 24/7 monitoring to ensure that the performance and availability of our digital solutions are monitored around the clock.

  • Agile and iterative project processes

    Short implementation iterations and product cycles enable flexibility and efficiency. Quality assurance is a continuous process to ensure the highest standards. Through agile methods, we create short coordination paths to react quickly on feedback.

The pixelart team impressed us! They quickly got into our product vision, defined the processes together with us and developed them further. With our cloud-based software architecture, we process and analyze highly sensitive health data of top athletes in an absolutely DSGVO-safe manner. As knowledge about genetics evolves, we will also subject our product to ongoing iterations – with the pixelart team, of course!

Dietmar Karner
COO, DNAthlete AG


Early insights for successful architectures.

Prototypes and proof of concepts play a central role in validating our architecture decisions and technology selection. They allow us to identify potential technical challenges early on, test innovative solutions, and thus create a solid foundation for sustainable digital projects.


Maximum scalability and efficiency with Amazon Web Services.

With cloud services, we accelerate development and shorten time-to-market. Our AWS-certified developers use a variety of services for different application scenarios. Scale-to-Zero allows us to flexibly adjust resources and optimize costs while running your digital solution in a secure environment.



Security & performance audits.

We ensure maximum security and performance in the development of individual software solutions through external audits. This identifies and eliminates potential security gaps and enables continuous system performance optimization. This helps to increase the maintainability and operational reliability of your digital solution. 


As Lead Software Developer, my goal is not only to transform our customers' business ideas into performing digital solutions, but also to create sustainable software architectures that will last in the long term. We believe in a collaborative partnership based on continuous development and sustainable growth.

Julius Rabe
Lead Software Developer

Customized digital solutions @ pixelart

Our direct contacts are looking forward to hearing from you.

Julius Rabe

Julius Rabe, Lead Software Developer, AWS Certified Solution Architect

Thomas Peintner

Porträtfoto von Thomas Peintner
Thomas Peintner, Team Lead Digital Commerce & Business Solutions

Manuel Schild

Manuel Schild, Senior Digital Project Manager, Certified Pimcore Consultant

Alexander Hölzl

Alexander Hölzl, Senior Technical Consultant, Certified Pimcore Developer

Let's realize together

Would you like to develop your digital solution with us?