A digital recipe for success. Smart strategy and performance marketing for the brand launch.

A digital recipe for success. Smart strategy and performance marketing for the brand launch.

WIBERG's herb and spice blends have been an integral part of national and international restaurants for over 50 years. With World of WIBERG, the company launched its own B2C brand at the end of last year, bringing the spices of professionals to kitchens at home. We provided strategic and operational support to WIBERG during the brand launch.


The request

A strong, digital partner for the brand launch

The hype surrounding cooking caused a growing range on the spice shelf in recent years. Competition in this area is fierce. In order to make the World of WIBERG brand known to the end consumer right from the start, WIBERG needed a well-thought-out strategy for digital communication. The focus at the beginning was on quickly building brand awareness and visibility, as well as generating learnings about the relevant target groups. 

To ensure a smooth launch, the client was looking for an experienced partner for digital strategy and implementation in the field of campaigning and performance marketing.

The cooperation with pixelart in the field of digital strategy and campaigning is characterized by communication at eye level. Both the long-term campaign planning and the implementation of short-term actions are implemented professionally, efficiently and in a creative way.

Daniela Haslinger-Hild
Head of Marketing & Communication

Our Solution

Digital strategy and campaign planning

Strategy is at the heart of every campaign. Together with the WIBERG team, our experts developed a multi-stage plan for the digital brand launch. On the basis of careful data research and experience in digital marketing, a specific action plan was created to start digital communication immediately after the launch.

The resulting campaign plan with timings, media spendings and networks covers all phases along the conversion funnel and takes into account all relevant channels and measures for the market launch.

Our Solution

Full funnel campaigning

The digital campaigning for World of WIBERG followed a multi-stage approach with target group-specific measures – from branding to traffic to conversion. With video ads across all channels, the first phase was to create visibility and brand awareness at several touchpoints. 

Further down the funnel, we used a diverse mix of video and image ads to generate user interest in the products, highlighting the brand and products from different angles. We used A/B testing to determine what resonated best with the target audience to improve performance.

Our Solution

Data collection & performance marketing

To drive conversions in the store after brand awareness and interest, the focus is on building data-driven remarketing target groups that have a high propensity to buy. We identify these target groups on the basis of interactions with the advertising materials and the online store.

In the conversion phase, this enables us to target users who have already come into contact with the brand. We use Dynamic Product Ads and Google Shopping Ads for this purpose to steadily reduce the cost per purchase and automate the campaigns.


A strong data basis for the future

Thanks to a sound strategy and the targeted measures of the campaign, we were able to reach over 2.6 million users in Germany and Austria with the ads in the first 3 months. With the help of A/B tests and ongoing optimization of the advertising media, the cost per link click was reduced by over 50% in this period. The campaigns generated over one-third of online-generated revenue in the first quarter.

Thanks to the high-quality data and insights on the target groups, the retargetings are the perfect basis for further increasing the return on ad spend in the coming months and moving into the conversion phase.

It was incredibly exciting to accompany WIBERG from the very beginning, both strategically and in the implementation of the campaigns at the brand launch. Especially in a highly competitive market like this, a well thought-out strategy and a good database are essential. I am looking forward to the next steps in performance marketing for World of WIBERG.

Daniela Vergud
Growth Manager

Let`s get in touch

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