Precise content for powerful benefits
The Raiffeisen Bank offers the ideal online experience for every target group - at all touchpoints. Regardless of age, rural or urban base - targeted content is presented in a vast range of formats to speak to every customer personally.
The Raiffeisen community uses a 'Local People' section to put the spotlight on people from federal state of Salzburg. Portraits, interviews and videos on the website and digital campaigns tell of their ideas, pioneering spirit, families and their sense of solidarity.
Multiplicity of target groups
In order to cover the wide variety of customer needs, and to address all relevant users, we take advantage of target group-specific targeting and continuous campaign optimisation.
We already begin to consider ad formats, tonality and the style of the material to be used in the concept design phase to ensure a very diverse target group feels addressed by the content of the Raiffeisen community.
Tailored content
Dynamic and attractive design elements unite all content and bring together organic and paid content. The placement of ads on social media channels guarantees extra interest is shown by various target groups. When ideally placed, in a feed, as a story or an instant experience, content unleashes its full potential.
From an idea to the finished product
We collaborate closely with our partners to generate interesting video content. Whatever is required, we provide customers with video production expertise - from the concept to the storyboard, film-set accompaniment or adaptions to cuts and formats. This way Raiffeisen customers gain the attention they deserve.
Mutual cooperation based on trust, open communication and genuine commitment in all project phases are the keys to our success. We look forward to taking further brave and purposeful steps with pixelart.
We share the goal of continuous improvement, and telling stories that boost value. We are particularly interested in using target group-specific digital campaigns to convince young people of the benefits of their region, and of the strength of a community.